We also have a light outside our bathroom that they light up if it is occupied.
We all go into the classroom bathroom and I model for them how to use the flush, where to get toilet paper, how to wash hands with soap and where to put paper towels when they are finished. The fourth routine that I teach my students is how to use the bathroom. Then we use this line to take a quick tour around the school – and the first stop? The bathroom! Bathroom I have a few students model keeping a safe distance between each other in line. I model for them how to keep their hands by their sides and stay quiet. After the morning meeting is over, I teach my students how to line up. Line-UpĪfter we clean up, we do a very abbreviated morning meeting. Then the basket goes right here.” Then, after clean-up time I praise students for putting all the toys away neatly and calmly and being first-time listeners. When it is clean-up time, you need to put everything back in the basket.
I don’t get too specific, but I go to each table when they are playing and say, “we are about to clean up. The second routine I teach my students is how to clean up.